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Please note that nothing contained herein or in the presentations/events should be considered as investment or financial advice or any form of recommendation. You should seek your own independent financial, legal and other advice accordingly. Save to the extent provided otherwise in the terms and conditions applicable to your account, no BNP Paribas group or company or entity shall be responsible for any loss arising, whether direct or indirect, from the use of or reliance on any part of the information and opinions contained in the presentation. You should seek advice from your own professional adviser regarding the suitability of any investments (taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs) as well as the risks involved in such investments before a commitment to purchase or enter into any investment is made.
From time to time, communications and/or documents (including factsheets and presentation decks) (“Third Party Materials”) prepared by external third parties which are not affiliated to or part of the BNP Paribas group may be distributed during or after the event organised by the Organiser. The Organiser makes no warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the Third Party Materials. No BNP Paribas group or company or entity shall be responsible for any loss arising, whether direct or indirect, from the use of or reliance on any part of the information and opinions contained in such Third Party Materials.
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BNP Paribas is a public limited company (société anonyme) incorporated in France. The liability of its members is limited. BNP Paribas Wealth Management is the business line name for the Wealth Management activity conducted by BNP Paribas.
閣下一經報名參加籌辦機構籌辦之是次活動,即代表閣下:(1) 確認閣下是在完全自願的基礎上參與是次活動;(2) 在法律許可範圍內,免除籌辦機構、其集團公司及其主管人員、董事及職員因閣下參與是次活動而招致或加諸其上的任何損害、損失或傷害而採取的所有行動、索賠及要求,不論該等損害、損失或傷害是否未知、不可預見、未能預料、無疑或其他;及(3) 同意承辦機構收集、使用及/或披露閣下的個人資料以作籌辦是次活動及其行政管理用途,以及與閣下登記或出席是次活動相關的任何其他用途(包括但不限於是次活動後進行的任何問卷調查及向閣下分派其他參考資料),而該等披露可包括出於上述目的而向籌辦機構所在的司法管轄區內或以外的第三方服務供應商作出之披露。根據規定,是次活動(包括登記流程及出於上述目的)可由第三方服務供應商而非籌辦機構所擁有及經營的平台(可能為網站、網頁或數碼應用程式)主辦及/或協辦。請注意,該第三方可能按其自身隱私權條款根據閣下的互聯網協議(IP)地址儲存閣下報名參加 或出席活動的相關資料。任何連接到非法國巴黎銀行平台的超連結並非對該等平台之認可或驗證,須受適用平台之保密及安全條款約束,因此閣下須自行承擔訪問該等超連結之風險(籌辦機構概不對此負責)。閣下於此之同意是閣下已經或此後給予籌辦機構之任何其他授權及披露同意之補充,而且應持續生效及具十足效力和作用,以符合籌辦機構及其主管人員、僱員、代理人、承包商和服務供應商的利益,縱使閣下與籌辦機構之間的一種或多種關係被終止。請注意,我們可能會在是次活動為閣下拍照和進行錄像,以作宣傳及記錄用途。若閣下對上述內容有任何異議,請於活動前通知閣下的法國巴黎銀行聯絡人。
法國巴黎銀行是一家在法國成立的公眾有限公司(société anonyme),其成員承擔有限法律責任。「法國巴黎銀行財富管理」乃法國巴黎銀行營運之財富管理業務之名稱。
Hong Kong
This communication is sent to you in Hong Kong by BNP Paribas, acting through its Hong Kong branch. BNP Paribas, acting through its Hong Kong branch is a licensed bank regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, a Registered Institution under the Securities and Futures Ordinance of Hong Kong (Cap. 571), and registered with the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) to carry on Types 1, 4, 6 and 9 regulated activities in Hong Kong (SFC CE Reference: AAF564). Furthermore, where any content relates to regulated products/activities, this communication is directed at “professional investors” as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance.
本通訊由法國巴黎銀行,透過其香港分行在香港提供。法國巴黎銀行,透過其香港分行為受香港金融管理局監管的持牌銀行,及《證券及期貨條例》(香港法例第571章)所指的註冊機構; 於香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會(「證監會」)註冊, 獲准進行第1、4、6及9類受規管活動(證監會中央編號:AAF564)。此外,若任何內容與受規管產品/活動相關,本通訊以《證券及期貨條例》定義的「專業投資者」為對象。
This communication is sent to you in Singapore by BNP Paribas, acting through its Singapore branch (UEN/Registration No: S71FC2142G), a licensed bank regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. “BNP Paribas Wealth Management” (UEN/Registration No 53347235X) is a business name registered in Singapore under the Business Names Registration Act 2014. This communication is directed at Accredited Investors within the meaning of the Securities and Futures Act 2001. This is not intended to constitute a product advertisement within the meaning of the Financial Advisers Regulations or the Securities and Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations, in which case this advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
This communication is being distributed by BNP Paribas (China) Limited (“BNPP China”), a subsidiary of BNP Paribas. BNPP China is a commercial bank regulated by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. This communication does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any financial products in the People's Republic of China (“PRC”, which for these purpose excludes the Hong Kong or Macau Special Administrative Regions or Taiwan) to any person to whom it is unlawful to make the offer or solicitation in the PRC. BNPP China does not represent that this communication may be lawfully distributed, or that any financial products mentioned herein may be lawfully offered, in compliance with any applicable registration or other requirements in the PRC, or pursuant to an exemption available thereunder, or assume any responsibility for facilitating any such distribution or offering. In particular, no action has been taken by BNPP China which would permit a public offering of any financial product or distribution of this communication in the PRC. Accordingly, no financial product mentioned herein may be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, and neither this communication nor any advertisement or other offering material may be distributed or published in the PRC, except under circumstances that will result in compliance with any applicable laws and regulations.
This communication is sent to you in Thailand by BNP Paribas Securities (Thailand) Limited (Registration Number 0105565019213). BNP Paribas Securities (Thailand) Limited is a private company incorporated in Thailand, and registered with the Ministry of Finance and the Securities and Exchange Commission to provide securities and derivatives services.
In addition to the above, where the Organiser is BNP Paribas Securities (Thailand) Limited, you also confirm that you have read, understood and accepted BNP Paribas Securities (Thailand) Limited’s Data Protection Notice, available at, as may be updated and/or amended from time to time. Your consent herein shall be in addition to any other authorization and consent to the disclosure which you have given or may hereafter give to BNP Paribas Securities (Thailand) Limited, and shall survive and continue in full force and effect for the benefit of BNP Paribas Securities (Thailand) Limited and its officers, employees, agents, contractors and service providers notwithstanding the termination of one or more types of relationships between you and BNP Paribas Securities (Thailand) Limited.