Terms and Conditions of Use

Your use of the BNP Paribas Wealth Management website (hereafter “Site”) and/or any BNP Paribas Wealth Management App (hereafter “Content Apps”, and each a “Content App” ) is governed by the following terms and conditions of use (hereafter, “Terms and Conditions of Use”). Your continued use of the Site or Content Apps is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Use (including the collection and processing of your personal data in accordance with our Data Protection Policy) which are subject to change (without notice). You are encouraged to read these Terms and Conditions of Use each time you use/access the Site/Content Apps.

Purpose of this Site and Content Apps

This Site and Content Apps aim at providing Internet users with information concerning BNP Paribas Wealth Management, Private Banking Métier of BNP Paribas group acting in France and abroad with BNP Paribas group entities such as, but not limited to, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Hong Kong and Singapore.

The information provided on this Site and on Content Apps is not to be construed as:

  • an offering of products or services;
  • a proposal or inducement to make investments or to undertake investment in securities;
  • an inducement/a solicitation to purchase or sell securities or any other financial instrument/product
  • a recommendation; or
  • all or part of a contract.

This Site and the Content Apps are for consultation and general information purposes only and do not allow transactions of any kind to be carried out.

BNP Paribas reserves the right to remove any information available on this Site and on the Content Apps (regardless who is the party to input such information), permanently or temporarily (inter alia, for maintenance purposes or to update it) without any notice. BNP Paribas shall have no liability or responsibility to you in any manner whatsoever if it chooses to do so.

BNP Paribas does not consider users of this Site or of the Content Apps to be clients merely by their access to any of them.

This Site is published by:

BNP Paribas
A French société anonyme (public limited company) with a capital of EUR 2.468.663.292
Registered under no. 662 042 449 with the Register of Trade and Companies of Paris
CE TVA : FR 76662042449
N° ORIAS : 07 022 735
Head Office: 16 boulevard des Italiens 75009 PARIS – FRANCE
Legal representative: Mr. Jean-Laurent Bonnafé - Director and Chief Executive Officer
Editorial director: MMe. Servane COSTREL DE CORAINVILLE  Deputy Head of Communications, BNP Paribas Wealth Management
Hosting: IT BNP Paribas Wealth Management

If any provision(s) of these Terms and Conditions of Use is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, all other provisions shall be severed and remain in full force and effect.

This Site and the Content Apps are governed by French law. Any disputes arising therefrom will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts governed by the Court of Appeal of Paris. Any and all access and/or usage of this Site or of any Content App shall be deemed formal and unreserved acceptance of these provisions and of this notice.


Conditions of Access to this Site and to the Content Apps

This Site, the Content Apps, access to them or the use or collection of data from this Site or from the Content Apps may be prohibited in certain countries.

Please ensure that you are legally authorized to visit and access this Site or the Content Apps in the country from which the connection is made, which compliance therewith is your sole responsibility.

You agree not to:

a) use this Site and the Content Apps in any unlawful manner or in a manner which promotes or encourages illegal activity including (without limitation) copyright infringement; or

b) attempt to gain unauthorized access to this Site or to the Content Apps, or any networks, servers or computer systems connected to this site or to any Content App; or

c) modify, adapt, translate or reverse engineer any part of this Site or of any Content App or re-format or frame any portion of the pages comprising them.

You agree to indemnify BNP Paribas and its group companies in full and on demand from and against any loss, damage, costs or expenses which they suffer or incur directly or indirectly as a result of your use of this Site or of any Content App otherwise than in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Use.

BNP Paribas and its group companies shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage that you might sustain using this Site or any Content App, downloading any Content App, including without limitation the loss or corruption of files and data stored on your media or on any medium connected thereto or inserted therein.

BNP Paribas and its group companies shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages relating to the use of documents or information appearing on and other services rendered via this Site or any Content App.

BNP Paribas reserves the right (but without any obligation) to revise the content of this Site and of the Content Apps, and these Terms and Condition of Use at its sole discretion from time to time without notice.

BNP Paribas and its group companies shall not be held liable for any delay, mistake or omission relating to the contents of this Site or of any Content App, nor for any interruption or non-availability of the services or inability to access this Site or any Content App.

Save for and to the extent of any liability which cannot be excluded under law, BNP Paribas and its group companies shall not be held liable for any omission or error on this Site and in the Content Apps, all such responsibility being fully and absolutely disclaimed.

All the information shown in this Site and in the Content Apps are provided as a guide for information only and under no circumstances may it be deemed to be exhaustive, accurate, complete or up to date. No reliance should be made on such information. Accordingly, all such information must be independently checked and verified by the user.

BNP Paribas is under no obligation to update or change any part of the information or content appearing on this Site and in the Content Apps.

No information contained on this Site and on the Content Apps is to be considered a legal, tax, accounting or financial advice and no information shall be relied upon as such. BNP Paribas and its group companies disclaim any responsibility for any decision taken on the basis of information contained this Site or in any Content App, as well as for the use thereof which could be made by third parties.

Conditions of Access to the Products and Services

Access to the products and services described on this Site and in Content Apps may be prohibited for certain people in certain countries/states. Some of the products or services presented on this Site and in Content Apps may be subscribed for only in those countries/states in which their marketing and promotion are authorized. Therefore, before subscribing for the products and services presented on this Site and in the Content Apps, please ensure that you are legally permitted and authorized to do so.


General Disclaimer

The information provided in this Site and in the Content Apps may not be considered comprehensive. Users are therefore urged to undertake additional verifications or information searches where applicable.

BNP Paribas shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage incurred in particular to the proprietary data and technical environment of the user (computer, software, etc.) of the spread of computer viruses when connecting and/or viewing this Site or the Content Apps. Users are also reminded that fraudulent access or continued presence in an information system, attempts to halt or disrupt the operation of such a system or to introduce or fraudulently modify the information stored therefore are criminal acts punishable by law.

Although the information disclosed in this Site and in the Content Apps has been obtained from public and private sources which may be deemed reliable, and although every reasonable precaution has been taken in developing this Site and the Content Apps, BNP Paribas cannot certify and shall not explicitly or implicitly guarantee the accuracy or the comprehensiveness of this Site and the Content Apps and shall not be held liable for any inaccuracy, error or omission of information provided herein.

In general, BNP Paribas declines all liability with regard to the content of financial information (indices, news, etc.) and all general information published in the pages of this Site and the Content Apps and for any usage which may be derived therefrom by third parties. BNP Paribas does not certify and does not guarantee any scheduled or expected success, return, performance, effect, consequence or benefit (of a legal, regulatory, fiscal, financial, accounting or any other nature), irrespective of the product or service referred to in this Site and in the Content Apps. Investors should not place undue confidence in the theoretical historical information relating to passed theoretical performance. In some cases, this Site or the Content Apps may refer to past performance. Performance in the past does not predict future performance.

Before investing in any financial products or using the services offered by BNP Paribas or any entity in the BNP Paribas group, the subscriber must fully understand the financial risks and advantages of the said products and/or services and consult his or her own legal, fiscal, financial and accounting advisors before taking an investment decision. All subscribers must understand in full the features of the financial transaction they are considering to undertake and/or the services which they may wish to subscribe and must be capable of incurring the risk of financial loss associated with their investment and wish to accept such a risk.

The information, opinions or estimates provided where applicable in this Site and in the Content Apps reflect the judgement of their author on the day it was drafted; they may not be deemed authoritative; nor may anyone use them as replacement for his or her own judgement. They may be subject to change without prior notice. Neither BNP Paribas nor any entity in the BNP Paribas group shall be held liable for the consequences which may arise from the use of information, opinions or estimates stated where applicable in this Site and in the Content Apps.

Without prejudice to the foregoing but merely for the avoidance of doubt, offering of products and services in the relevant jurisdiction shall be subject to the laws and regulations applicable in that jurisdiction.


Confidentiality and Integrity

It should be borne in mind that the confidentiality and integrity of Internet communications is not guaranteed and BNP Paribas and its group companies do not make any representation whatsoever, whether express or implied, on the same.

It is the responsibility of all users to take appropriate measures to protect their proprietary data and/or software from contamination by any viruses spread through the Internet.

There is a risk that the content and source of any messages that you send via a Content App or this Site may be intercepted and/or modified. BNP Paribas and its group companies disclaim all responsibility in that respect.


Copyright and Reproduction Laws

All elements of this Site and of the Content Apps, including data, drawings, graphics, pictures, documents for download, are protected by intellectual property rights belonging to BNP Paribas, its group companies or its commercial partners, licensors or concessionaries of licenses. Furthermore, trademarks, logos and trademarks services present on this Site and in the Content Apps are registered in France and/or abroad and are the exclusive property of BNP Paribas, its group companies or its commercial partners, licensors or concessionaries of licenses. You are not authorized to copy, reproduce, distribute, exploit, transfer, enhance, alter, modify or use any trademarks, logos, trademarks services or other element of this Site or of any Content App in anyway without the prior written consent of BNP Paribas.

Nothing on this Site and on any Content App should be interpreted as granting any license or a right to use any intellectual property or other rights of this Site, the Content Apps or any contents therein.


Sharing Content

Some of our services or some of the features on this Site and the Content Apps allow you to post content, send messages and/or to share, create or comment on information between the users of these services, this Site and/or the Content Apps.

The information, comments and content published or shared are considered public as they can be seen by other users. For this reason, we reserve the right at all times (but without this constituting an obligation) to remove from our services , this Site and/or the Content Apps, any content or information deemed unethical, objectionable, undesirable or offensive, with or without notice, and, if necessary, suspend or terminate user accounts without any liability to you.


Content Apps

The Content Apps are published and owned by BNP Paribas or an entity in the BNP Paribas group.

Any Content App could have been developed by an external service provider which is not within the BNP Paribas group.

The Content Apps are made available for your own, personal use. The Content Apps must not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever or for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. When you use any Content App you must comply with all applicable laws and with any applicable international laws, including the local laws in your country of residence and the country in which the Content App is being used.

Your downloading, accessing or usage of any Content App constitute your agreement to be bound by all applicable laws and regulations for use, and by these Terms and Conditions of Use (including any revisions thereto), and you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted them. Usage of a Content App may be subject to specific guidelines and terms of use which will be provided in the appropriate places. Such specific guidelines and terms of use shall form an integral part of these Terms and Conditions of Use with respect to the relevant Content App.

Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions of Use shall automatically result in the immediate withdrawal of authorization to use the relevant Content App. You should cease using the related Content App and remove it if you do not agree or comply with these Terms and Conditions of Use.


Cookie Policy

The user is informed that during their use of this Site or of any Content App, a cookie may be automatically installed and temporarily held in memory or in the hard disk. A cookie is an element which does not enable user identification but is used to register some information relating to the user's website browsing. The users of this Site or of any Content App acknowledge this practice and authorize BNP Paribas to do so.

Please access the BNP Paribas Wealth Management Cookie policy by clicking here.


Hypertext Links

Please note that you leave this Site when you click on a hypertext link. BNP Paribas shall not be held liable for the contents encountered or any damage incurred when you visit sites to which you are directed by hypertext links on this Site. Visits to other sites are made under your own responsibility and at your own risk. In addition, no guarantee is provided with regard to the content of third-party internet sites which are listed and/or accessible via a hypertext link from this Site. All hypertext links to this Site are subject to BNP Paribas express and prior authorization.

Under no circumstances will BNP Paribas allows any Content App to be fully or partially integrated with another website or applications, in any way whatsoever.


Videos and Podcasts

The videos and podcasts that have been uploaded on this Site or in any Content App have been produced under the sole responsibility of their producers.


Personal Data

While using this Site or any Content App, you may provide BNP Paribas with personal data (hereafter “Data”) and you agree that you do so on a voluntary basis.  BNP Paribas acts as controller for processing the Data.

Please refer to the Data Protection Notice of BNP Paribas Wealth Management to be informed about the processing of your Data by BNP Paribas and about your rights. Any queries about the use of personal data by BNP Paribas should be referred to the contact details mentioned in the Data Protection Notice of BNP Paribas Wealth Management.

In the specific case you are a member of the staff of BNP Paribas Group’s suppliers, please refer to the Notice on the Protection of Personal Data for the Staff of BNP Paribas Group’s External Suppliers and External Partners.

You can also contact the CNIL to raise a claim. Where you provide BNP Paribas with Data relating to other individuals, you represent and undertake that you would have, prior to doing so, obtained each such individual’s consent that you may do so.  When the Data is processed, BNP Paribas shall comply with the applicable laws and regulations (Loi informatique et libertés dated 6th of January 1978 as modified and European General Data Protection Regulation n° 2016/679).

By posting content, sending messages and/or sharing, creating or commenting on information on this Site and/or any Content App, you acknowledge and accept that personal data and other forms of information relating or connecting to you or (where applicable) other individuals may become publicly available information, and you accept full responsibility and risks in connection with this.  You agree to indemnify BNP Paribas and its group companies in full and on demand from and against any loss, damage, costs or expenses which they suffer or incur directly or indirectly as a result of information you may post, send, share or create on this Site and/or the Content Apps.

For Hong Kong users, the Data collected via this Site or any Content App shall be used as per the Notice to Customers relating to Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Please access the Notice to Customers relating to Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance by clicking here.

For Singapore users, the Data collected via this Site or any Content App shall be used, disclosed and/or processed in the manner described in the Data Protection Policy of the BNP Paribas group in Singapore.  Please access the Data Protection Policy by clicking here.

While BNP Paribas will use its best efforts to take all reasonable precaution to ensure that the Data under its control and possession is secure, it however cannot exclude all risks associated with use of this Site or any Content App, and BNP Paribas and its group companies shall not be held liable in respect of such risks.  Accordingly, when the Data is provided, you are aware and consent that other users of this Site or the same Content App may view the Data.

By accessing this Site or a Content App, you agree that the Data transmitted on or through this Site or the Content App shall be processed and used in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Terms and conditions of use